Welche der fett gedruckten Wörter sind richtig?
- We were delightful or delighted or delight to receive your order.
- Thank you for your order of or from 30 May 2007.
- We are pleased to tell you that your order no. 1001 is being attended with or to or at.
- If you have any questions, please contact us at or under the following telephone number.
- I look forward to meet with or hearing from you soon.
- Please get in touch with or make contact with me if you have any further questions.
Lösung 1: delighted ist richtig.
Lösung 2: of ist richtig.
Lösung 3: to ist richtig.
Lösung 4: at ist richtig.
Lösung 5: hearing from ist richtig.
Lösung 6: get in touch with ist richtig.
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