How would you say this in English?
Wir brauchen neue Etiketten für die Computer-Boxen. Die alten sind nicht mehr gültig.
There are three false friends in this sentence – words that sound very similar to English words but which have a different meaning. They are ‘Etiketten’, ‘Boxen’ and ‘gültig’.
Etiketten sounds like the English word ‘etiquette’ which means ‘Umgangsformen’. The proper translation is ‘labels’. Boxen sounds like ‘Box’ which is ‘Kiste’. It should be speakers or loudspeakers. And ‘gültig’, which sounds like ‘guilty’, is ‘valid’, the opposite of which (‘ungültig’) is ‘invalid’. ‘Guilty’ is ‘schuldig’ in German. You can see the correct English translations of these words here.
Deutsch English
Etiketten labels
Boxen speakers
Gültig valid (opposite: invalid)
English Deutsch
etiquette Umgangsformen, Etikette
boxes Kisten
guilty schuldig
So the correct translation is “We need new labels for the computer speakers. The old ones are invalid.”