How to criticise people on the phone

Gerade wenn Sie am Telefon Kritik äußern oder jemanden tadeln müssen, sollten Sie dies vorsichtig formulieren. Etwaiges Augenzwinkern oder ermunterndes Lächeln sind schließlich nicht zu sehen – es sei denn Sie skypen. Doch auch dann sollten Sie sorgsam die richtigen Worte wählen. Die folgende Liste von Secretary Today hilft Ihnen dabei.

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Giving negative feedback or criticism on the phone takes a lot of skill. You not only have to choose the right words, you also have to be careful how you use your voice so you don’t sound too aggressive. After all, the person you are talking to can’t see your facial expressions. Here are some softeners you can use when you have to say something unpleasant, and a list of adjectives and the prepositions they are usually followed by. They will help you find the right tone, and the right words, whoever you are talking to.

Softeners for introducing criticism

  • I’m afraid …
  • I’m sorry to report that …
  • John told me to tell you he’s very sorry but …
How to express
 How to express mild

etwas befürchten
to be afraid of
enttäuscht sein über / von etwas
to be disappointed
with / about
irritiert sein
to be confused about
unzufrieden sein
to be dissatisfied
anders sein als
to be different from
beunruhigt sein
to be disturbed /
worried about
How to express
 How to express very
erbost / verärgert
to be angry with /
annoyed with / about
to be vexed with /
about (BE)
to be mad with /
at so. (AE)
sehr verärgert sein
to be furious about
to be furious with
to be beside oneself
to be livid

Note: "with" is usually used when you are talking about people, "about" is usually used when you are talking about things. "He is angry with you and he is angry about the delay."

Here are examples of how you can use some of these words

  • I’m sorry to tell you that Mr Maxwell is disturbed about something he heard last week.
  • I’m afraid that Hans is mad with the whole team.
  • Mr Miller asked to phone. He wants to know why the results are so different from what was expected.
  • Hans told me to tell you that he’s really very angry about the mistakes.

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