Sich auf Englisch zu unterhalten, ist eins. Sich über Englisch zu unterhalten, etwas anderes. Beides zusammen ist nicht nur wichtig, sondern absolut notwendig. Mit Secretary Today geht auch das!
Frischen Sie jetzt regelmäßig Ihr Englisch auf. Egal, ob Sie Englisch-Anfängerin oder Englisch-Profi sind. Secretary Today - Professionelles Business English für Sekretärinnen und Assistentinnen. Jetzt 1 Ausgabe kostenlos testen! Klicken Sie hier ...
In meetings, non-native speakers often ask me the meanings of English words, or they’re not sure if they’ve pronounced something correctly. I’ve noticed that many of them are unsure how to ask these things correctly. For example, I often hear things like, “What means purchasing?” or “How is the pronunciation of procurement?” Of course, I always answer politely, but at the back of my mind, I really want to correct them. What should they have said? They should have said this:
- What does purchasing mean?
- How do you pronounce procurement?
- Here are some more useful phrases for you to use when you are talking about language, so you don’t make the same mistakes.
- How do you pronounce this word?
- Is that the right pronunciation?
- That’s very difficult to pronounce.
- That’s a real tongue-twister.
- How do you spell accommodation?
- What did you say? How do you spell that?
- I’m not sure if I’ve spelt this name correctly. Can you check it for me, please?
- Do you spell “transferred” with one or two r’s?
- Is this the right spelling of “separate”?
- In German, when friends drink together, we say “Prost!” What do you say in English?
- What’s that in English?
- What do you call that in English?
- Is this sentence correct?
- Is that the right word?
- I’m trying to find the right word, perhaps you can help me?
- What is the plural of “crisis”?
- What is the singular of “media”?
Use these phrases when you need to talk about language and you can be sure everyone will be delighted at how nicely you express yourself. And, of course, they will be just as delighted to help you.
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