How to find the perfect conference venue abroad by asking the right questions

Für externe Besprechungen, Tagungen oder Konferenzen brauchen Sie jeweils den passenden Ort und die richtige Ausstattung. Die Vokabeln dieses Beitrags aus einer der letzten Ausgaben von Secretary Today helfen Ihnen dabei, auf Englisch den perfekten Tagungsort zu recherchieren und zu buchen. Sie haben diese Ausgabe verpasst? Wie schade! Damit Ihnen das in Zukunft nicht mehr passiert, geht’s hier zu Ihrer kostenlosen Ausgabe und Ihrem GRATIS-Geschenk ...

When you have to decide on where to hold a meeting or conference, there is more to consider than just the budget. Ask these questions next time you want to find the perfect venue for an event. You will find the answers to most of them on the website of the venue. But if you don’t, then this article will be a great help to you – you can use the telephone phrases at the end of each section to find out more.

Tips for choosing a meeting venue

Taking into account how senior the meeting is, from how far away the participants will be travelling and how many there will be, ask these questions about any potential venue: Is it suited to your organisation’s image? Does the venue fit the image your company or organisation is trying to portray? Does it give the correct
impression for this particular meeting? Will it appeal to the target audience? Will the venue's staff add to the attendees' experience in a positive way?

  • You say your service is exceptional. Can you tell me how?

This last question is important if you want to make sure you are not sharing the dining room with an unsuitable group of people. For example, if your company is in the meat business, your boss might not feel very comfortable standing next to someone from a vegetarian food company at the breakfast buffet, and vice versa!


Is the venue location suitable for any extra events/shows/excursions that have been planned? Is the location quiet, close enough to accommodation if required, in a safe area, etc …?

  • Do you have a shuttle to take people to the airport?


Is the venue available on the dates required? How flexible are they if you have to change the meeting date?

  • I’d like to arrange a block booking for 20 single rooms.

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Is the seating capacity suitable? Are the meeting rooms large enough to
provide a comfortable experience for those attending?

  • How many people do you usually fit in one conference room?


Are there enough small rooms for break away meetings? Does the venue
have enough parking spaces? Will disabled delegates be well catered for?

  • Is there wifi internet access in the entire hotel?


Does the venue fall within the budget for this meeting? Can the price be negotiated? Is a deposit required and if so, how much and how far in advance?

  • Do you offer discounts on rooms for conference delegates?

Your boss wants to get the most out of the meeting. The venue you choose should add to, rather than detract from, the experience of those attending. So take the time to choose carefully.

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