Einem gelungenen Event geht immer eine gute Einladung voraus. Hier können Sie sich einbringen und erfolgreich dazu beitragen, dass die Veranstaltungen Ihrer Firma positiv wahrgenommen werden.
Business entertaining events can be large or small affairs. But whether your boss is inviting one or two guests to a spring barbecue, or you’re helping organize a large-scale conference, good preparation is a must. This includes writing a professional invitation. Here are some of the basics you need to know if you want your event to be successful.
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How to write invitations
Make your invitations as comprehensive as possible. The more information you include, the less need there will be for guests to have to phone and enquire about dress, duration and so on.
There is a minimum of information you need to include on every invitation. The following checklist will help you make sure you don’t forget any of the vital points.
Checklist for invitations
Make sure you include this information on every invitation
- From whom
- To whom
- Type of occasion
- Date
- Times (beginning and end)
- Venue
- RSVP and address
- Dress
- Parking / Transport
If you do not specify the dress code on your invitation, it is normally assumed that women will wear a short dress, evening trousers or a skirt suit, and men will wear a suit.
Insider tip: Business entertaining – use it to network
Receptions, business meals, buffets, cultural and sporting events, and company anniversaries are just some examples of business entertaining. These events are business meetings of a very different kind. With the social side very evident, they’re a great opportunity for you and your boss to network and build up business relationships. So make the most of these events.
Here you’ll find an example for a perfect invitation ...
Some friends and business acquaintances will be happy to phone or email their reply. Others will appreciate responding by ticking the appropriate box on a card sent by you. If you include a reply card, also include a stamped addressed envelope, a fax number or an email address and a notice that the reply may be scanned and sent by email as a jpg or pdf file.
English / Deutsch
comprehensive: umfassend
cordially: herzlich
dress: Kleiderordnung
duration: Dauer
RSVP (répondez s'il vous plaît): um Antwort wird gebeten
skirt suit: Kostüm
suit: Anzug
venue: Veranstaltungsort
vital: unerlässlich
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