Englische Dankesbriefe: Eine nette Geste zu vielen Gelegenheiten

Mit einem kleinen „Dankeschön“ machen Sie sich bei Ihren Geschäftspartnern beliebt. So schreiben Sie Dankesbriefe, die garantiert ein erfolgreiches Geschäftsklima aufrechterhalten.

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In this age of email, mobile phones and instant messaging, taking the time and effort to sit down and write a thank you note is the perfect way to express gratitude. Here are some suggestions for thank you notes that are professional and personal at the same time.

What to write …

… after a telephone call

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today on the phone. I know how busy you are and really appreciate the time you spared. You can rest assured that I will put the input you gave me to good use and I am sure it will help us reach a mutually beneficial business relationship.

 … after meeting someone

It was a pleasure meeting you this morning. I enjoyed talking to you and hope I was able to answer all your questions. If there should be anything else you need to know, please call me.

… after discussing a mutal project

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to discuss our association. After meeting with you today, I am convinced that this association would be for the mutual benefit of our firms.

 … after a referral

Thank you very much for your kind referral. You may rest assured that anyone you refer to us will receive the highest degree of professional service possible.

 … after your offer has been turned down

Thank you for taking the time to consider letting us provide you with a new air conditioning system. We are sorry your immediate plans do not include making the investment at this time. However, if you need any more information or have any questions, please call. I will keep you posted on any new developments or changes that might interest you.

... after they buy from another supplier

Thank you for taking the time to study our offer . I am sorry it did not meet your requirements. We are constantly developing new products, so I will keep in touch in the hope that we will be able to do business in the years to come.

… to someone who gave you good service

Thank you. It is a pleasure to meet someone so dedicated to doing a good job. Your efforts are sincerely appreciated. If my company or I can serve you in any way, please don’t hesitate to call.

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