Englische Korrespondenz: So schreiben Sie perfekte englischsprachige Angebote
Angebote sollten präzise und umfassend sein. Je genauer Sie schreiben, desto mehr Chancen hat Ihre Firma, den Auftrag zu erhalten.
How to write an offer
An offer can be in response to an enquiry (solicited), a sales letter to a company (unsolicited), or it can be in response to a call for tender. If you are submitting a tender, there will probably be clear instructions about what you have to include. For all other offers, or if the instructions in the call for tender are not clear, use these building blocks.
Building blocks for writing offers
Use these building blocks to write perfect offers.
1. Refer to the enquiry
- Thank you for your letter / fax / email enquiring about our goods / services.
- I am writing in connection with the very pleasant conversation I had with Joe Parsons at your company’s stand at the Hanover trade fair / Paris convention on April 2.
- We are happy to make you the following offer.
2. Describe your company
We are
- a(n) major / important / young / well-established / leading / fastgrowing / highly successful / manufacturer / producer / importer / exporter / supplier / wholesaler of / car parts / industrial equipment / textiles / German food / French wines.
- active on the domestic and international marketplace.
We have
- well-established / extensive / excellent business contacts throughout Germany / Europe / the world.
- Our head office / headquarters is in Brussels and we have subsidiaries in all major European cities / in the whole of the middle East / both at home and abroad.
3. Describe your products or services
- We produce / make / manufacture / supply a wide / broad range of products / services for the semiconductor / automobile / textile / leisure and tourism industry.
- We are in the health / financial / public services sector.
4. Refer to samples
- As requested / for your information we are enclosing a demonstration model.
- We will be sending you a sample of our goods under separate cover / by separate post / immediately / in the next few days.
5. State your prices and discounts
- The dresses cost $25 each.
- The wholesale price is £101 per hundred.
- The price per kilo / unit / article / item is £29.50.
- We are currently able to offer a discount of 10% on initial orders.
- New customers are granted a discount of 12% on orders exceeding $2000 placed by 20 April.
- A(n) quantity / introductory offer / early payment discount of 8% is granted on orders placed by May 1.
6. State your terms of delivery and payment
- Deliveries can be made by truck / rail / air / ship / inland waterway vessel / container / special messenger within 10 days / weeks after we receive your order.
- Our prices are quoted EXW, FAS Liverpool, FOB Rostock, CIP Heathrow Airport / carriage paid / carriage forward.
- Please refer to our terms of delivery and payment.
7. Say how long the offer is valid
- This offer is valid for 3 weeks / until May 1.
- This offer expires on April 30.
- As demand for these goods is considerable, we suggest you place your order now while stocks last / as soon as possible.
8. Give your order instructions
- Please use the enclosed order form / state your customer number when placing an order.
- Please quote the article / catalogue / model number when placing your
- order.
- Please indicate the size / quantity / model number / colour / quality you require when you place your order so it can be processed / dealt with / executed / filled as efficiently / quickly as possible.
9. Write a friendly closing phrase
- We hope our offer / quotation meets with your expectations/requirements.
- We look forward to receiving your order.
- We feel sure that a trial order will convince you of the quality of our products / services.
- Please contact / phone / email us if you need any more information.
- We look forward to doing business with you again / in the near future.
10. Mention the enclosures
- We enclose our catalogue(s) / brochure(s) / leaflet(s) / terms and conditions of sale and payment / sample(s).
Business Englisch ist für Sie als Sekretärin ein nötiger Erfolgsfaktor. Doch leider stellen die englische Geschäftskorrespondenz, die Kommunikation am Telefon und die korrekte englische Rechtschreibung eine große Herausforderung für viele dar.
Holen Sie sich jetzt das Englisch-Standardwerk: "The Secretary's Handbook of Business Englisch" und profitieren Sie von unzähligen Beispielen, Musterbriefen und -bausteinen sowie Anleitungen und Profi-Tipps rund um die perfekte englische Kommunikation!