Make your Christmas cards more meaningful in 2007

"Frau Meyer, machen Sie bitte auch einen englischen Text für die Weihnachtskarten." Was fällt Ihnen hier als erstes ein? "Merry Christmas and a happy new year." Nicht sehr originell. Wie wäre es, wenn Sie dieses Jahr Ihre Geschäftspartner mit einem wirklich inhaltsvollen und dazu noch originellen englischen Text erfreuen und Ihren Chef mit Ihren hervorragenden Englischkenntnisen beeindrucken?

Nichts leichter als das. In Secretary Today - Professionelles Business English für Sekretärinnen und Assistentinnen habe ich ein paar sehr gute Vorschläge für Ihre englische Weihnachtspost gefunden.

Is it your job to choose the message for your company´s Christmas cards? You are probably sick and tired of writing and receiving messages like "Merry Christmas and a happy new year" or "Season´s Greetings." And your business partners are just as tired of receiving them. This year, make your Christmas cards original and meaningful.

Tell in your Christmas card international business partners about our Christmas traditions

For us, Christmas is one of the most important festivals of the year. But in many countries, it is unknown. Bear this in mind when you choose the design for your business Christmas cards. If you decide on a winter scene, or images of Christmas trees or Santa Claus, explain a little about the Christmas traditions here in Germany. Your Chinese or Indian business partners will be interested to hear what the design of your Christmas card symbolises.

Here are some phrases for you to use in your Christmas cards

  • We look forward to another year of working together with you, and wish you health and happiness in the new year.
  • Holiday greetings go out to all our associates working for our company around the world.
  • Even though some of you do not celebrate Christmas, we would like to seize this opportunity to thank you for a job well done throughout the year. Within the next few days you will be receiving a gift from us as a token of our gratitude.
  • I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you personally for your commitment to our company and our products.
  • As you know, we celebrate Christmas very traditionally here in Germany. We decorate a Christmas tree in the reception area, invite our employees and their families to a Christmas party and give them presents to show our appreciation.
  • I freely admit that I look forward to Christmas every year. Don´t you feel the same way? Then enjoy this time of the year with all of its beautiful traditions. May you outshine the Christmas candles!

My tipp: After all these phrases you can surely use the standard phrase "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" in your Christmas cards. In that combination your card is still original and meaningful.