Use these stylish closing paragraphs to make a lasting impression

Wissen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Briefe und E-Mails dem Adressaten und dessen Stil nach angemessen beenden? Office English Today nennt Ihnen viele verschiedene elegante und effektive Möglichkeiten.

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The closing words of a letter or email are extremely important for more than one reason. For example, they might tell the recipient what you want them to do next, or say what you are going to do. Or they might summarise what you have written elsewhere.

Another important reason you have to make them really good is because they are the last words in your message that the recipient will read, and thus the ones he or she is likely to remember best.

Here are some writing tips, and some samples of stylish and effective closing paragraphs you can use in common business situations. Download them and store them in a special file on your computer.

You can adapt them to suit your individual needs for your own correspondence.

Tips on writing stylish closing paragraphs in emails and letters

1) Use the closing paragraph to create a positive image of yourself and your department or company.

2) Use the right level of formality for the situation, for instance, ‘Thanks’ for less formal and ‘Thank you’ for more formal situations.

3) Show that you are genuinely interested in the reader by asking them to contact you. We do this by using ‘do’ before the imperative – like this:

  • Do get back to me if there is anything else you need to know.
  • Do let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

4) The multiword verb ‘to look forward to’ is a standard closing phrase for both formal and less formal writing. It is always followed by the ‘-ing’ form. In informal emails, we sometimes leave out the subject and auxiliary verb:

  • Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Less formal – Formal

  • Thanks (again) for… – Thank you (again / once again) for…
  • It was kind of you to… – I appreciate your…
  • Please get back to me. – Please feel free to get in touch with me./Please do not hesitate to contact me.
  • Call me./Give me a ring / bell. (BE) – Please call me if you have any questions.
  • Looking forward to hearing from you. – We are/I am looking forward to hearing from you.
  • Best wishes – Yours faithfully (BE) (Very formal)
  • Take care– Yours sincerely (BE)
  • Best– Yours truly (AE)
  • Cheers – Sincerely (AE) / (With) kind regards / Best regards