Termine absagen kann unangenehm werden, da die anderen Beteiligten ihre eigenen Terminpläne anpassen müssen. Umso wichtiger ist es, eine gut geschriebene Absage zu verfassen. Denn wir wissen alle, dass es durchaus mal zu Änderungen kommen kann, doch wir möchten es zumindest nett verpackt gesagt bekommen.
It can be tricky for me if students cancel their lessons. It means that I have to reorganise my entire schedule so that I can make the most of my time. By the same token, I don't like rescheduling lessons either. I know that it is inconvenient for my students and that I am implying that I don't value their custom (i.e. that other people take priority).
So when I cancel appointments, I know that I need to be apologetic but also constructive. It's important to offer replacement dates right away. I never say why I am cancelling because I don't want to remind the client that they aren't number one on my to-do list. The only exception would be for something dramatic and unavoidable, such as a funeral. However, cancellations do happen in business, and people will understand as long as they are given enough notice.
To help you, here are two email templates that you can download and adapt for use when cancelling appointments. The first one is more informal, and you can use it to contact your own clients directly. The second one is more formal, and you can use this one if you are a personal assistant and need to contact a client or business partner on behalf of your boss.
Hi John
I'm really sorry but I won't be able to make the meeting on Tuesday, 10 January. I hope that doesn't mess up your schedule too much.
I'd still like to meet up. Perhaps we could arrange something for the Thursday (12 January) or for the following week?
Thank you for your understanding. I'm really looking forward to finding out more about your products.
See you soon.
Best wishes
Dear Mr Smith
I'm afraid that Mr Jones will need to cancel his 2pm appointment with you on Tuesday, 10 January.
He is very keen to find out more about your products and has suggested an alternate date of Thursday, 12 January. If that isn't convenient, he will be free the following week as well.
Thank you for your understanding. Mr Jones sends his apologies and hopes this doesn't cause you too much inconvenience.
Please could you let me know if 12 January would be suitable?
Kind regards
Linda Green
Assistant to Brian Jones