Outlook: So speichern Sie häufig verwendete E-Mail-Adressen

Computer corner

Nützliche Tipps für Sekretärinnen und Assistentinnen, rund um den Computer.

You may know the problem.Whenever you want to type in an email address and click the An field, you get an address you hardly ever use. This doesn’t have to be. With just a few mouse clicks, you can programme the An field to give you the addresses you use most often.




This is how to do it

2 In the dialogue window, select EXTRAS-OPTIONEN.
3 Open the dropdown list. Choose DIESES ADRESSBUCH ZUERST ANZEIGEN and select the file you use most.
4 Confirm the setting by clicking OK and then close ADRESSBUCH.

The next time you have to write an email and want to choose the recipient by using the An box, you will get the right address the first time round.


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