PowerPoint: So schützen Sie Ihre Datein

Kennen Sie das Problem, dass jemand in einer von Ihnen erstellten PowerPoint Datei Änderungen vornimmt? So schützen Sie Ihre mit PowerPoint 2000 erstellten Dateien.

It can be very annoying when someone  changes data  in a PowerPoint presentation you have made. But it’s easy to protect your work.
This is how you do it:

  • open the relevant file in Arbeitsplatz or Windows-Explorer and click on the file you want to protect with the right-hand mouse button
  • from the context menu, choose Eigenschaften, then Allgemein,then Attribute.
  • put a tick before Schreibgeschützt and confirm with OK


The next time someone opens the file, they can not make any changes. If they want to make changes, they have to copy the file and save it under a new name. So even if someone goes  to  the  trouble  of  making changes, your original presentation will remain unchanged.


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