Word: So legen Sie die Schriftart für immer fest

Save time by changing the default font

Müssen Sie immer wieder die Schriftart ändern, wenn Sie in Word ein neues Dokument aufmachen? So richten Sie Word ein, damit Ihre Lieblings-Schriftart und -größe automatisch eingestellt ist.

Do you find yourself frequently changing the font or font size in your Word documents because you want to use a different or a smaller or larger font? Save time when you open new documents by changing the default font.



1. Open a new document
2. Choose Format then Font. Change the font from the standard Times New Roman 12 point to the style and size you want, such as Arial 12 point.
3. Click default.
4. You will be asked if you want to change the default font. This change modifies the normal template – the normal.dot – file which stores many Microsoft Word settings. Select ‘Yes’ to confirm the changes. If you pick OK instead of ‘standard’, you will only change the current document. The next document you open will have your chosen font.


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