Organisieren Sie Ihren Bürobedarf richtig

Four tips for organising your office supplies efficiently

So können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie immer genug Büroklammern, Briefumschläge und Notizblöcke auf Lager haben.

Don’t waste office space hoarding stationery supplies in your desk. Just keep what you need immediately and keep the rest in a storage cupboard. Follow these five tips to keep your stationery supplies well-organised:

1 Keep paperclips, letter openers, staples, glue and other small supplies in the top drawer of your desk.

2 Store anything A4 sized – letter-heads, cardboard folders, note pads, document wallets – easily and efficiently in stacking trays.

3 Re-order stationery when you have got through 3/4 of your supplies.

4 Create a standard supply list of items you need regularly.


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Organisation im Büro' finden Sie in Secretary Today