Verbessern Sie Ihr Zeitmanagement mit einem simplen Trick

How to improve your time management with one simple trick

Ohne Zeitmanagement haben Sie und Ihr Chef wenig Chancen auf Erfolg. Eine kleine Änderung bringt Sie ein großes Stück weiter.

Time management is using the time you have to accomplish what you want, becoming more productive in less time, and focussing your energy on what is important to you. The first step is to make a list of all the bad habits that are stealing your time. Then, work on them systematically, until you have eliminated them from your life. The best way to eliminate a bad habit, is to replace it with a better one. There is one trick that could improve your time management more than anything else: set your computer so it does not notify you immediately you receive an email.

For many people, this is the single biggest obstacle to managing their time. Don’t be a slave to the sound of incoming mail. Establish a new routine and check your email at certain set times in the day. First, say, when you arrive at work, second just before lunch, third an hour after lunch and then about an hour before business closes. If your company has a policy that insists that you constantly be interrupted by your incoming emails, suggest that the policy be reviewed.


Weitere Tipps zum Thema 'Zeitmanagement' finden Sie in Secretary Today